The protagonist, “Zee” – is a truly South African “Goldilocks”. This book aims to increase awareness and educate communities about ADHD (and related mental health disorders) and to destigmatise the disorder and its treatment. The intent is that a parent/teacher should read the story that kicks off this book with the child and use the scientific content that follows as a resource to answer the child’s (and their own) questions about AHDH. Written in English, the story, depicting a day in the life of a typical ADHD child, has been translated into Afrikaans, isiXhosa, isiZulu and Sesotho to afford as many children as possible the opportunity to read or hear it in their mother tongue so that they will understand it and know they are understood. The added bonus is that all five languages are in one book!
According to Prof Andre Venter, who has written the foreword: “The first half of the book describes the adventures and life of Zee in couplet form, which is fun and has a nursery rhyme sensibility. The fact that the story is presented in five of our official languages makes this book unique indeed. Now parents have the opportunity to address many issues with their children (with and without ADHD!) in a fun and interesting way, but the text is kept short to accommodate the wandering minds! Furthermore, the artwork is delightful, and the yellow butterflies really capture the sense of the attention “fog” these children have to deal with daily. I am not aware of another resource that tackles the problems ADHD children face in such an innovative yet playful manner. It is really a handy tool for discussions at home, school or wherever children congregate. It is also useful for parents, teachers and the like to enter the world of ADHD and gain better insights. The book concludes with very concise yet scientifically grounded information regarding ADHD, it’s symptoms, causes and management that should allow for the gradual understanding of this condition.”
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